Breaking News

September, 2019

  • 28 September

    Nah Bro, I’m Good

  • 28 September

    Op-Ed by a Male Feminist

    By Geoff Caulfield I am a male feminist. Think it’s funny? Go ahead, laugh. But while you’re laughing, just know that I am brave and I am strong. Strong enough to use two women as weights and bench press them. I am a male feminist and this is what I ...

  • 28 September

    WUnderground’s Resident Philosophy Asshat Presents: The Loop Trolley Problem

    For the purposes of this example, I have bracketed a distinction between positive and negative action because I’m not some sort of Kantian dipshit. You are the conductor of the Loop Trolley, and it’s happened again. A man has stumbled onto the tracks ahead of you, thrusting you into an ...

  • 28 September

    Community Living Standards Erased From Common Room Whiteboard

    8 AM. Wednesday. A crowd of freshmen stand in the Rutledge common room, staring at the expo residue on their whiteboard where the Community Living Standards had once been. Scared. Confused. Perhaps, I sense, almost excited? Would we be able to live together in peace and harmony without law, but ...

  • 28 September

    We Killed the Easter Bunny, Here’s How

    This fucker wasn’t easy.   When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade.  When life hands you fifty pounds of fireworks, 320 carrots and more chocolate than Augustus Gloop could handle, you do the only sensible thing and kill that hopping rabbit motherfucker.  About all these supplies – let’s just say ...