Breaking News

December, 2017

  • 16 December

    Freshman Invites Girlfriend to Dinner with LAUNCH family

    Local freshman James Harding was nervous on Tuesday evening; his girlfriend, Tanya Reed, would be meeting his LAUNCH family for the first time. “It’s a big step for us going forward,” Harding admitted. “But I want to share that piece of my life with her.” The couple discussed the decision ...

  • 16 December

    This One College Hack Will Change Your Life

    College life can be stressful as heck. You need to get ahead every way you can. Luckily, we’ve got you covered. This one, simple life hack will revolutionize the way you study for tests. We can guarantee results! Okay, buckaroo, here’s what you do first: log in to WebStac. Have ...

  • 16 December

    Sexy Singles Near You Are at Risk of Losing Net Neutrality!

    Local sluts are at risk of becoming victims of the FCC’s net neutrality repeal plan. Service providers seeking to limit freedom of expression on the Internet may get their way this week, when the FCC hopes to repeal its net neutrality rules by party-line vote and compromise the intentions of ...

  • 16 December

    Santa to Bring Coal to Naughty Miners

    A coal mine in eastern Wyoming has found a holiday- themed solution to get out of work once and for all. On December 6th, mine worker Gary Sherwood realized that by acting up on the job he would be obliging Santa Claus to bring him coal for the holidays. “According ...