Breaking News

April, 2023

  • 9 April

    OP-ED: If Planes Went Higher In The Sky The Distances Between Places Would Be Shorter

    So like you know how when you’re on Google Maps and you wanna look at a place that’s really far away from the place you are. But since it automatically opens to the place you are, like basically street view, you start to zoom out? Like you’re not gonna scroll ...

  • 9 April

    Students4Stalking Demands Change

    The recent news of WebSTAC losing WUSTL Faces has hit the campus community with a particular difficulty. Students are struggling with a wide range of issues on the matter. Student A, who prefers to remain anony- mous, shared that this is her only manner for stalking men she sees at ...

  • 9 April

    New Course Listing: Nonbusiness for Business Students

    Dear WashU students! As we gear up for our next round of class registrations, I wanted to bring your attention to a new course being offered in the Olin Business School in thefall. It has come to our attention in recent years that while many of our students have graduated ...

  • 9 April

    Woof Woof, That’s the Sound of the Police

    Only a month into their training, Brookie and Bear are in deep dog- shit for the questionable stop and frisk of beloved WashU icon – Socke the cat. During the search, Socke was caught with an eighth of catnip, leading to his controversial arrest. Doggy body cam footage reveals that ...

  • 9 April

    Student Perspective: Turns Out, Other Airports Don’t Have Ted Drewes Vending Machines

    Over Spring Break, I was in LAX, and everything was good, I was feeling like 2009 Miley Cyrus, it was great. All of a sudden, though, I started feeling really on edge. Almost panicked. “Are you alright?” my friend asked. “You look like you actually need one of the Xanax ...